Thursday, June 6, 2013

The facts.

MEU Logo

After much that has happened i decided to write a review on a dayz´s clan called 24th MEU this their web site. What i write is based on events and facts, of which i can no longer keep quiet, since they keep talking crap to about my friends in Valkyrie.


    Besides the players in this clan being retarded and sucking at playing the game, once they became admins of the server all hell broke loose, by spawning vehicles in game when the owner clearly stated not to. Before i go all over the place, i will brake this down by event so it is not hard to understand.

   When 24th had joined the server, me and our group was happy, we were thinking " oh now we can get pvp going" since this is what the server was all about a pvp clan server. After a couple of encounters it become clear that they didnt know how to react to fire fights, i mean we were five men group against a group of ten or more, we for each kill they got on us we dropped three of theirs.
   Now here comes the best part! the crying after few days of slaughtering them, their new habit was to call us hackers and what not, our group we was like " meh whatever" and laughed at it. Again a couple more days came by and well me and a friend decided to go recon their protected bases, and stumbled on their main base, after a air borne fire fight.(by the way a day before we had another air fight with black hawks, it was one on one, and we won, 24th claimed that we used four choppers, when for that it was required a pilot and a gunner so two players, now add 4 choppers, the math says eight players at least needed, when we had only five players in the group total, and at the time we had three on at the time.) So me and my friend found their base and did recon and found out that they a little TCP( traffic control point) about 200-300 meters outside their base, mind you that protected bases in the server had a bubble that kicked anyone not included in the base, and spawned you by the coast on cherno.

   From that recon and a couple of others we stole a car and a little bird, yes we are bandits in dayz! During all this combat and encounters, 24th always cried to the admins how mean we were, but they didnt care because we were within the rules and using real war strategies, members of each clan became adimns, however Valkyrie admin who had been admin for little longer them then 24th always kept things neutral regarding respawning group vehicles and other issues that was within his power. Now when 24th become admins things went crazy, we had six bi planes on the map when we didnt have air planes in the server, and they were not going to be implemented. On top of that they were told to come talk to valkyrie admin before anything.

   The final events that made everything go crazy was that two members of 24th were combat logging when we fought them, and valkyrie admin checked if did it or not, which they did! Now they call him a cheater on their web site, stating that he was using his admin powers to check players gear and what not, now here is some news for you 24th it was well within his and 24th admins to check players to fight hacks! including fixing some minor issues, such as player load outs! Not even to say that one of their Sgts told us before anything of this happened, during my recons that we had come to close to their base by checking out log out points on admin panels.

  To conclude 24th has the worst attitude a clan can have, apparently using our head to gain advantages over our enemies in a battle field is a cheat, or hacking. Now they bash us in their web site saying how valkyrie cheated by using admin panel which was not the case, and yet their members that did combat log only one was punished. When we tried to defend our selves on their web site they deleted our posts and acted like retards, and i feel sad saying this cause i do not want to offend any mentally ill person. Bottom line for one who likes to role play as marine, they show no honor, no skills, no IQ (an ant colony would have more) and no maturity.

   To clarify i write this as a response in our defence, we were over what had happened and moved to play breaking point and dayz origins, however the 40 year old virgins wanted to keep acting like always, retarded kids and bad players, calling us cheaters, other thing on several occasions they did threat on banning for no reason from the server when they had no power to do so.

   To those who wish to join them, don't you would become cannon fodders......